Wednesday, December 18, 2013

The Pen Session...

On my way to the 9 to 5
Thinking of a poem to pen
Into existence
Influenced by the rain drops
That fall upon me
Thinking of the direction to let my
Imagination flow
Or should I just follow
Wherever the moment takes me
Placing my pen on the paper
Waiting for the creativity to take hold
And guide me into the abyss
That encompasses my mind, my heart, and my soul
Awaiting the discovery of a new masterpiece
To take shape into something great
With me and let's see where
My pen
Lead me...

~Adiva Williams

Improvement Comes In Time...

Faced with a life changing situation
Dealing with the adaptation of a new life...
Things change
Routine becomes unroutine
Sporadic moments become non-existent
With added duties, responsibilities
Spoken and expected
Never enough time to cater to everything
But in a continual win/win lose/lose battle
Winning in this on one day
But losing it all on another
Fighting internally to cope with change
Struggling mentally to stay sane
Praying spritually for the improvement
Trying to find consistency in one's own rebuilding
Rebuilding hoping to renovate for something new
A renewed spirit, enthusiasm
For all things loved
Love, intimacy, sex, affection
Lack of is affecting everything else
To the point that improvement is not enough
A total remodeling is requested
Being asked to revamp you
Not really wanting the old you
But a better you
A you that even you would be proud to call...
Me, mine, my
Improvement is taking time
The time needed to complete
The transformation of

~Adiva Williams

My Reflection...

She's my biggest fan & my worst critic
She critiques with brutal honesty even when I don't want to hear it
She recognizes my perfect imperfections
And compliments me even in my flaws
She always has my back
And pushes me to do my very best
To pursue & achieve every life test
Whether I'm slightly thin or slightly overweight
She knows & believes in me
I can talk to her without any interruptions
No being judgmental or talking down to me
Just reminding me that
I'm okay & imperfectly perfect as I can be
See she is I & I am she
I know everythng is okay
When I see her staring back at me......
My Reflection

~Adiva Williams


It use to bother me
When those so-called 'friends' would stab me in the back
Busy back-biting against me
Instead of having my back
Knowingly betraying my trust
In hopes of gaining trust of another
Another person for them to get next to
Until they have used them all up
And are no longer beneficial for them to stick around
Benefitting off the pain given
Never giving of their true self to anyone
Not even their self
Thoughts of the betrayal
Hurts more than one could ever imagine
Betraying one's trust
Is the ultimate means of destruction
Destroying any hopes of befriending the next person
Person showing a genuine interest in your well-being
Trying to be the friend that you have seeked
Been seeking & searching for
But never could get the choice right
Rightly choosing is harder than you think
You ponder on it
You should pray on it
Let it find you, seek you out
When it does no longer will you
Have to shed tears over phoniness
But cry tears of joy over genuineness

~Adiva Williams

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Hard at Work

Good afternoon Beautiful Souls!!!

I am hard at work putting my book - MEMOIRS OF THE BEAUTIFULLY INSANE - together.

I have been doing alot of writing lately; so much that I now have to do some extra cutting from this book and save some for the next one!

I have started working on my website, but it is still a work in progress so please be patient. As soon as I am ready to go live with it I will definitely let everyone know.

Until then, please continue to follow me everywhere else: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.

Love you all and thank you for your support.

This is just the beginning!

Beautiful blessings,

Adiva Williams

Wednesday, October 23, 2013


My Mind's Miles...

Sometimes I think my mind is going a million miles a minute
Thoughts overcrowding each other
Like bumper to bumper traffic during rush hour
I have to move quick and maneuver over into the other lane before another thought cuts me off
I think I got it written all down but now I can't quite remember
I jot things down in my phone, in my email, in my journal, even on a sticky note
Please don't let me forget what I am about to say before I even get to say it
Damn! There it goes again! 
Speeding up trying to pass me on my right but not ready yet
I havent had a chance to write it down yet
Wait just a few more minutes so I can get this one logged permanently into my memory
So many ideas, dreams, goals, to-do lists that I am trying to decipher
As to which ones I should earnestly pursue
To try and pursue all of them would be crazy right?!
Or would it be crazy not to?!

~Adiva Williams

Thursday, October 17, 2013


Allow me to relax your mind
While I lyrically stroke and stimulate you at the same time…
Keep your eyes slightly open but your mouth tightly shut…
Listening to these words…
And visualizing them with…
A vivid imagination…
Let your mind form MY creation of the one whose eyes seek to find the affection of me…
Who views my flaws as a part of my unique perfection…
Its natural selection…
You see…
Nature’s evident way in sorting acceptance from rejection…
Speaking to me without words
In volumes of LOVE unsaid
Where the deepest meaning is understood without a Sound …
Nor Reiteration…
Unanalyzed compositions
Climaxing to the rhythm of time

~Adiva Williams

Not Enough...

{just a snippet}

Not Enough

To say 'I Love You' is an understatement
When in reality I adore you
My love goes beyond every boundary I have ever known
Into territory I didn't know existed except in the confines of my own mind

~Adiva Williams

Wednesday, July 24, 2013



I exhaled today
Exhaling all the hurts, disappointments and dirty deeds of all my yesteryears
I exhaled all the phony friends, fake comrades and senseless associates
Who never sincerely gave a fuck one way or the other
Who never truly wanted to see a smile spread across my face
Who are actually so miserable in their own life that they are wanting, willing and ready to knock another down
And I exhaled again
Exhaling all of the failures, missed opportunities and self-doubt
I exhaled all of the what-ifs that the mind constantly battled over
All of the misguided interpretations of others' definition of happiness
All of the "to be" lists that materialize to satisfy others' perception of perfection
And I exhaled again
Exhaling all of the cataclysmic catastrophes that once engulfed my mental and emotional
All of the foreseeable bullets that should have been dodged to protect my physical
All of the metaphysical conundrums that discombobulated my spiritual
And I exhaled again
Preparing for my inhalation

~Adiva Williams

Friday, July 19, 2013

High On You...

High On You

You got me on a natural high
That makes me feel like I can fly
You got me feeling free as a bird
Able to truly be me
And be accepted completely
You have made my smile contagious
I can't stop smiling
Just the simple thought of you
Brings a smile to my face
A smile so huge that can light the night sky
I am falling in love with you... Mentally
Mentally connected to you
As though I already knew you
You digging me and I'm digging you digging me digging you

~Adiva Williams

...I Feel You...

… I Feel You …

your stares upon my body
running wildly from
your scent places me under a spell
I’m intoxicated
the warmth of your mouth
a volcanic eruption within
your touch sends
an erotic shiver
up my spine


at my pleading
your all
no mercy
but giving me


~Adiva Williams

Untitled 16..........

Untitled 16


to feel the warmth of your mouth
kissing me ever-so softly
just the way i like

thoughts of the last time
fantasies of the next
have taken over my mind

there’s that heartbeat
getting stronger and stronger
with every agonizing breath
my wetness is overflowing
wanting to quench your thirst

the waiting is driving me
to the point of oblivion

i need you now…

i want you now…

~Adiva Williams

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

One Sista to Another

One Sista to Another

You go around frowning up and rolling your eyes
You don’t even know me!
Am I a threat to you?
I’m not even your competition.
Getting your man in bed is not my mission.
You don’t know me at all,
Not even my name,
But yet you straight hate on me,
That is a shame.
I’ve never done you anything to you…
So why do you dislike me so?
Is it my complexion, my hair, my eyes…
Or is it the way I walk, talk, or smile?
Instead of you giving me my props,
You are trying to keep me down.
We’re suppose to be sistas,
Not related by blood,
But related by culture.
I don’t need my own keeping me down.
It’s a cruel enough world as it is.
If we don’t have each other’s back…
Then who will?

~Adiva Williams

Like An Ocean

Like an Ocean

I want my love to flow naturally…endlessly…
always overflowing…
Knowing no boundaries…limits
Flowing ever so freely…never-ending…only running over
Careening over…through…obstacles
Never to be outdone…
Always uplifting…wanting…giving…
Receiving…never being too much
Never hurting…drying out…being convenient
Always caring…fulfilling…unconditional

~Adiva Williams

*H A P P Y*

* Happy *

your L.O.V.E.
your B.E.A.U.T.Y.
your A.F.F.E.C.T.I.O.N.
your G.I.F.T.S.

arouse NEW feelings
awaken SLEEPING emotions
shocks my ENTIRE body

into a state of G.E.N.U.I.N.E. HAPPINESS

~Adiva Williams

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

The SEXual Transaction...

The SEXual Transaction

SEX comes with a price tag
all forms of payment accepted:
Emotions, Mental Stimulation, SEXual Exchange,
Along with VISA, MASTERCARD, AMERICAN EXPRESS, Cash and Certified Funds...
But never "Free of Charge"
Security, Homes, Jewelry, Vacations, Shopping Sprees, Cars
Are also acceptable
For those unaware of SEXual worth
Dinner & a movie or a little attention will do just fine
Silencing your morals while you consummate with another
For a moment in time forever suspended within the realms of your memory
Was it worth it? Is it worth it?
SEXual pleasure later replaced with
Guilt, regret, headaches and heartbreak

Monday, July 15, 2013

A New...

A New

New Year, New Beginning, A Better You
Out with the old, embrace the new
One could understand you better if
testimony they knew
Not from the heresay of others
But directly from the one who knows 
you truthfully
Only from the one who appreciates 
you unconditionally
As with any season
One must end
In order for the next to begin
Prune your garden ridding it of all the weeds
Weeds of negativity, self doubt, sadness, fear & settling
Replace with positive energy, courage, happiness, strength & knowing your worth
Cultivate a better you
Cultivate an improved you
Leave the disasters of last year where they belong
In last year
Focus on the opportunities of this year
Prepare yourself for the greatness of this year
Believe in yourself
Believe in your heart's desires to come true
Surround yourself with positive people
Positive people who will lift you up
And not tear you down
Laugh more
Its good for the soul
Smile more
It strengthens your heart
Love harder, stronger, unconditionally
Its good for your mental, emotional, physical & spiritual
Let go of all stress
And recognize that the Divine is at work on your behalf
Don't set resolutions
But rather work on the solutions
That will be the catalyst to achieving your goals
Don't rush through the year
Take time to enjoy each moment
Large and small
And watch how things so perfectly fall
Into place
For you to fully embrace
New Year, New Beginning, A Better You

~Adiva Williams


Will You Be A Light???

Will You Be A Light

Will you be a light into the darkness?
Be a light so strong that it breaks down the hidden barriers?
That still barricade in an effort to keep offering oppression.
Oppressing generations into a dark barrel that keeps getting bigger with more darkness.

Will you be a light into the darkness that keeps trying to consume us?
Be a light that shines through into every dark corner, every dark crevice, every dark incident.
Standing up against those things that want to keep the darkness near and in place.
Placing more emphasis on the intimidations and intrepidations of the past that meant no good.

Will you be a light into this darkness that now lies before us.
Laying claim that its okay to shoot first and explain later.
Let the light expose this evil for what it is really worth.
Bring into the light the true darkness of this evil deed.
Light the path into this unfamiliar territory that is sparking debate and division among households, races, religions and more.

Will you be a light into this darkness to invoke the action of change is now?!

~Adiva Williams


Friday, July 12, 2013


I have a confession
Yet I'm not ready to confess
Confess the words of my heart to you
While confessing the same to me mentally
The confession is so deep
Deep enough that is makes me hard to speak
I have a confession
Yet I'm not ready to confess
Confess the feelings of my inner being
With being totally confident in doing so
Confessing to you spiritually
Where our two spirits connect in the middle
Making the confession known
Without me confessing

~Adiva Williams



the many looks of life
painted upon faces of those we love and look up to
upon those who give us disappointment and pain
each look is not always authentic
it can trap and deceive you
leaving you with feelings of sadness - disappointment - even hurt
the real and true ones
give you a sense of euphoria
inspiring you to achieve
for in yourself, you must believe -
believe that you are

~Adiva Williams

Tuesday, July 9, 2013


Beautiful Souls,

One more for the day....promise! *smiles*

I wrote this when I was trying to really decipher through some emotions I was experiencing at the particular time. INSANE was the only way I could sum it up.

Hope you like.

Peace & Blessings




I need to see you
I need to touch you
I need to be wrapped in the scent of you
I need to feel you

the touch of your hands upon me
the sensation of your mouth on me
the remnants of your scent remains with me

I miss you
I miss the loving look in your eyes
I miss the excitement in your voice
I miss the passion in your kiss

it’s been minutes since I talked 2 U
it’s been hours since I saw U
it’s been days since I laid with U

This can not go on
Feelin’ like a junkie going cold turkey
Feelin’ like an abandoned baby
Feelin’ like a Queen with no empire
Feelin’ like I’m losing it

without you
without these things
I’m suffering from insane-ity


My Beautiful Souls,

Thank you for reading my blog posts! Please continue to do so and spread the word!

Below is another poem from earlier years.

Hope you enjoy!

Peace & Blessings



Those three words that can mean so little or mean so much

Got me trippin’ because I am head over heels in love with you

But what am I to do?

I wake up thinking about you
                wanting you
                missing you



Hoping…that you are doing the same

Pass liking you

Beyond infatuation

So far gone from being in like

I know that I LOVE YOU.

A Lyrical Ballad...

Beautiful Souls,

I wrote this poem YEARS ago.........2007 to be exact.

And it still makes me smile when I think about the inspiration behind it.


Peace & Blessings



A Lyrical Ballad

“Hey there lady…”
“Lay your head on my pillow”
and “Tell me”
“What’s your fantasy”
your “Confessions”
your “Little secret”
and let me “Take control”.

got you felling “Woozy”
your “Kitty Box” moist
your “Kitty Kat” throbbing
relax and let me “Knock it out”
because “This woman’s work”
is “Irreplaceable”.

You are my “Superstar”
and I your “Private Dancer”
“If your girl only knew”
how much “I luv it”
when we “Nasty grind”
how the “Sex games”
go on “All night long”
tasting “Just like candy”,
“How many licks” will it take
before you say “Ooh baby”?

“Anytime, anyplace”
just let your “Imagination” lead
you know “I care for you”
but “Can u get with it”?
just “Say yes” and
we can do it “Anywhere”.

A Love Story...

Hello Beautiful Souls!!!

Here is a brief snippet of something I am working on...........

"Have you ever wanted or thought about someone so much it makes you tired?  If not, then lucky you because ever since she came into my life I have been going nonstop.  She blew in like a summer breeze but taking my heart like a category 4 hurricane."

Stay tuned for more!!!

Peace & Blessings


A Return to my First Love...

Hello beautiful souls!

After years of focusing on makeup I have finally decided to return to my very first love and passion...WRITING!!! 

My inner voice had been whispering to me for quite some time to return to writing but I was steadily ignoring it until it took my complete makeup kit and supplies being stolen out of my truck!!! Mind you, this happened in 2011 and I have been trying to rebuild my kit ever since.  Well now, after much retrospection, divine intervention and even my inner voice now SHOUTING at me, I have returned my attention and passion to love #1!

So please join me on my journey to 'authorship' and let's make history together!

Please follow my blog and follow me on instagram ---> @adiva_williams 

Peace & Blessings!
