Wednesday, December 18, 2013

The Pen Session...

On my way to the 9 to 5
Thinking of a poem to pen
Into existence
Influenced by the rain drops
That fall upon me
Thinking of the direction to let my
Imagination flow
Or should I just follow
Wherever the moment takes me
Placing my pen on the paper
Waiting for the creativity to take hold
And guide me into the abyss
That encompasses my mind, my heart, and my soul
Awaiting the discovery of a new masterpiece
To take shape into something great
With me and let's see where
My pen
Lead me...

~Adiva Williams

Improvement Comes In Time...

Faced with a life changing situation
Dealing with the adaptation of a new life...
Things change
Routine becomes unroutine
Sporadic moments become non-existent
With added duties, responsibilities
Spoken and expected
Never enough time to cater to everything
But in a continual win/win lose/lose battle
Winning in this on one day
But losing it all on another
Fighting internally to cope with change
Struggling mentally to stay sane
Praying spritually for the improvement
Trying to find consistency in one's own rebuilding
Rebuilding hoping to renovate for something new
A renewed spirit, enthusiasm
For all things loved
Love, intimacy, sex, affection
Lack of is affecting everything else
To the point that improvement is not enough
A total remodeling is requested
Being asked to revamp you
Not really wanting the old you
But a better you
A you that even you would be proud to call...
Me, mine, my
Improvement is taking time
The time needed to complete
The transformation of

~Adiva Williams

My Reflection...

She's my biggest fan & my worst critic
She critiques with brutal honesty even when I don't want to hear it
She recognizes my perfect imperfections
And compliments me even in my flaws
She always has my back
And pushes me to do my very best
To pursue & achieve every life test
Whether I'm slightly thin or slightly overweight
She knows & believes in me
I can talk to her without any interruptions
No being judgmental or talking down to me
Just reminding me that
I'm okay & imperfectly perfect as I can be
See she is I & I am she
I know everythng is okay
When I see her staring back at me......
My Reflection

~Adiva Williams


It use to bother me
When those so-called 'friends' would stab me in the back
Busy back-biting against me
Instead of having my back
Knowingly betraying my trust
In hopes of gaining trust of another
Another person for them to get next to
Until they have used them all up
And are no longer beneficial for them to stick around
Benefitting off the pain given
Never giving of their true self to anyone
Not even their self
Thoughts of the betrayal
Hurts more than one could ever imagine
Betraying one's trust
Is the ultimate means of destruction
Destroying any hopes of befriending the next person
Person showing a genuine interest in your well-being
Trying to be the friend that you have seeked
Been seeking & searching for
But never could get the choice right
Rightly choosing is harder than you think
You ponder on it
You should pray on it
Let it find you, seek you out
When it does no longer will you
Have to shed tears over phoniness
But cry tears of joy over genuineness

~Adiva Williams