Wednesday, October 23, 2013


My Mind's Miles...

Sometimes I think my mind is going a million miles a minute
Thoughts overcrowding each other
Like bumper to bumper traffic during rush hour
I have to move quick and maneuver over into the other lane before another thought cuts me off
I think I got it written all down but now I can't quite remember
I jot things down in my phone, in my email, in my journal, even on a sticky note
Please don't let me forget what I am about to say before I even get to say it
Damn! There it goes again! 
Speeding up trying to pass me on my right but not ready yet
I havent had a chance to write it down yet
Wait just a few more minutes so I can get this one logged permanently into my memory
So many ideas, dreams, goals, to-do lists that I am trying to decipher
As to which ones I should earnestly pursue
To try and pursue all of them would be crazy right?!
Or would it be crazy not to?!

~Adiva Williams

Thursday, October 17, 2013


Allow me to relax your mind
While I lyrically stroke and stimulate you at the same time…
Keep your eyes slightly open but your mouth tightly shut…
Listening to these words…
And visualizing them with…
A vivid imagination…
Let your mind form MY creation of the one whose eyes seek to find the affection of me…
Who views my flaws as a part of my unique perfection…
Its natural selection…
You see…
Nature’s evident way in sorting acceptance from rejection…
Speaking to me without words
In volumes of LOVE unsaid
Where the deepest meaning is understood without a Sound …
Nor Reiteration…
Unanalyzed compositions
Climaxing to the rhythm of time

~Adiva Williams

Not Enough...

{just a snippet}

Not Enough

To say 'I Love You' is an understatement
When in reality I adore you
My love goes beyond every boundary I have ever known
Into territory I didn't know existed except in the confines of my own mind

~Adiva Williams